Experience the magic of Italy

We traveled to Italy in June, 2008. We were accompanied by my brother for the trip. We spent a total of 12 days in Italy, visiting Venice, Florence and Rome. While in Venice, we made a day trip to the Dolomite Mountains, and spent most of another day touring the islands in Venice's lagoon.
The trip far exceeded our expectations. We visited more than 50 tourist attractions on the itinerary we created, and enjoyed the tremendous food, street scenes and the whole experience of being in these incredible cities. We all ate like pigs, but we did so much walking that I managed to lose 18 pounds on the trip. I think my brother enjoyed being able to travel with us rather than on his own as well.
We spent almost six months planning the trip, and in that time we learned a great deal about how to prepare for an Italy vacation like this. We also kept detailed notes while traveling in Italy - what worked well, what didn't, etc. I have compiled that information into a series of trip reports that you will find linked below.
Italy Trip Reports
Italy trip report (general notes) - Many of our observations applied to more than one city, or to visiting Italy in general. This was particularly true with regards to planning and booking the trip and the items we brought with us on our vacation. Rather than duplicate those comments in the Venice, Florence and Rome trip reports, I've included a separate page for these general comments here.
Venice Italy trip report - We spent four days in Venice. One of those days was devoted to a day trip to the Dolomites Mountains. Another day was spent touring the Venice Lagoon. Read this trip report to learn about our apartment, the restaurants we dined at, where to buy awesome Venice masks, and more. Want to know the WORST time of day to take a gondola ride? Read the Venice trip report to find out.
Florence Italy trip report - We spent three days in Florence, not including travel days. We stayed in Florence all three days, wandering the city to enjoy all the tourist sites. In this trip report I break down the various tourist attractions in Florence, review our apartment and offer restaurant reviews. If you're going anywhere near Florence, you HAVE to read the review of Il Latini restaurant.
Rome Italy trip report - As with Florence, we stayed within the city limits all five days we were in Rome. (You think there's enough to do for five days in Rome? LOL) In this trip report I discuss the various tourist sites, provide extensive discussion on the tour of the Vatican, review the apartment and various restaurants. The difference between Angels Tours and Angels and Demons Tours is huge. Read the trip report to understand why. And wait until you hear about this awesome little mom and pop trattoria near the Vatican . . .
Italy Travel Photographs
After you've read the trip reports, be sure to check out the Italy Travel Photos to see all the great tourist sites and get excited about your trip!
View Venice Italy travel pictures here .
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